Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My new home

So, I am currently living with some good friends of mine: Damien and Michele and their 22 month old son, Z. Living with an Rn is great for sharing nursing stories (and sharing everything- since I've known Michele since grade 8". She has been a great support for me, especially since I've been living here. We like to sit and eat chocolate, drink tea and talk- which is nice since I live with her we can decide to have a "girls night pj party" whenever we want. Damien is a magician: check out his site: It's called Mobile Magic entertainment. He is getting a good start in Chilliwack, even teaching a magic course this fall at the local rec center! He is Mr- you name it I fix it guy, plus pretty much a stay at home dad with Z. Some of the things I love about being here: I can ride my bike more than Abbotsford, they have a Huge backyard full of fruit trees and a bountiful garden. I like sitting on the back porch- doing homework, reading the bible, sipping tea and visiting with friends. It's the best- and I love that if I ever need a break from school- I can have time with Z- we go to the park, go for a walk or just hang out in my room. I can't wait for his 2nd birthday it is going to be a "Bob the builder" theme- for anyone that knows me you know I talk about Z way too much but he is quite the little man:)

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